

The work aspects of art have been mystified and alienated from their association with work. In this moment of reckoning for labor rights, we address the function of art within the larger labor movement and the fact of labor within art.

The Body

One of the more invisible casualties of the pandemic has been embodied experience. In this issue we contemplate the forgotten experiences of all that is corporeal, haptic, and visceral. From plant time to crip time, contributors consider the roles, regulations, and impressions made by bodies of the past and proposals for the future.


Systems of language create the structures of understanding. They are the vehicles in which we share ideas, and they enable us to relate to one another. But these systems are not inherently neutral. In this issue we will explore the role language plays in creating meaning and identity – how it facilitates grief, humor.

New Utopias

Sci-fi, Fashion, and Imperfection / The Fábrica in Two Realities / Barbershop: The Art of Queer Failure / Police Uniforms Celestial and Terrestrial / A Manifesto for a Less Toxic Tomorrow

Vol. 00

A collection of online essays we put out as we sifted through our interests on the path to understanding what our project was really about.

Select Artists

Mik and May Gaspay
by Kija Lucas
Rachel Youn

Megan Whitmarsh
Megan Whitmarsh
Tali Weinberg

Antonia Ablass
Kate Just
NIAD Art Center
Bill Bowers

Sheila Klein
Rosie Lee Tompkins
Ace Lehner

Carolina Magis Weinberg

Faith Ringgold by Kira Dominguez-Huntgren

Ryan Carrington
by Amy DiPlacido
Scarlet Tunkl
Sienna Freeman
Danielle Andress

Select Articles

Community through Camo: Weaving War Nets for the Ukrainian Front 
Paulina Berczynski

Maximalism, Camp, Queer Clown Core, & The New Gilded Baroque
Jackie Andrews

Seemingly Without End: Our Frictionless Future Mailee Hung

Social Action Considered
Through the Language of Textiles

Paulina Berczynski

Visually Absurd or
Absurdism = Dada, Existentialism, Nihilism
Amanda Walters

Official Frills
Angela Berry


Print Edition

The print edition compiles some of our favorite content from the first six issues of Feral Fabric Journal in a physical form. 

With enclosed artwork by Megan Whitmarsh and a Radical Textiles sticker.
Published in 2024. Edition 150. Support for Feral Fabric Journal’s Print Edition is provided by Southern Exposure’s Alternative Exposure Grant Program

Feral Fabric reserves a quantity of the print editions to be distributed for free to educational and cultural institutions. Please get in touch with inquiries.